Disabled Surfers Association, Meelup Beach
Doral’s Community Relations strategy is committed to early engagement with its stakeholders and the timely provision of information to the communities neighbouring its operations.
Doral’s community relation’s approach is to:
Assist in the early identification of stakeholders
Build an understanding of common issues within the community
Provide stakeholders with access to information in a timely and effective manner
Build positive relationships through various engagement techniques
Work together to achieve effective outcomes with the community.
Doral is committed to having a positive impact on the communities surrounding its operations and ensuring its role as a ‘good neighbour’ is maintained at all times.
Doral provides sponsorship and in-kind donations to community groups in and around its operations and actively contributes to a wide range of organisations and charities.
Doral’s Sponsorship Application Form outlines the process to seek funding, please click on the link or request a copy at
Major community partnerships include:
Local Schools (Bunbury Cathedral Grammar School, robotics class funding)
Shire of Dardanup Bull and Barrell Festival
Disabled Surfers Association - Meelup Beach
Busselton Festival - Glow in the Dark bike ride
Margaret River Writer’s Festival - youth workshops
Pinjarra Men’s Shed
Landcare SJ RU OK day
North Dandalup Community Group - water tank artwork
Keysbrook Community Group
FAWNA - Possum Finishing School, Tutunup
Pinjarra Men’s Shed
In-kind donation of shed, facilitating Pinjarra Men’s Shed to fast-track project.
The North Dandalup Community Group and water tank project. Proudly sponsored by Doral through financial contribution and in-kind hay donation.