Ilmenite, HiTi and Leucoxene are mainly used to make pure white, highly light refractive and ultra-violet light absorbing, Titanium Dioxide (Ti02) pigment for use in protective house and car paints; paper; plastics; ink; rubber; textiles; cosmetics; sun screens; leather and ceramics. Because titanium dioxide is non-toxic and biologically inert, it can be safely used in foodstuffs and pharmaceuticals. Super strong, lightweight and corrosion resistant titanium metals are also used in the construction of aircraft, spacecraft and motor vehicles, and for medical implants. Again, its non-reactive properties make titanium one of the few materials the human body will not reject; consequently it is widely used in such medical operations as hip replacements and the installation of heart pacemakers. This super metal is also being increasingly used in the manufacture of strong, lightweight sports equipment, jewellery and other advanced engineering applications.
Titanium pigment is used in house and car paints to provide UV protection
Use of titanium metal in the jet engine turbine blade