Doral Mineral Sands Pty Ltd (DMS) operates a continuous, 24 hour processing and daytime only mining operation in the South West and Peel regions of Western Australia. Its operations include the Yalyalup mine located near Busselton and the Keysbrook mine, located in Keysbrook / North Dandalup. Both the previously mined Dardanup (completed 2015) and Yoongarillup (completed 2020) mine sites are fully rehabilitated.
Heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) from both Yalyalup and the Keysbrook operations are transported via road to the mineral separation plant (MSP) in Picton. Using gravity techniques to concentrate the valuable heavy mineral from the clay and sand, the HMC is then dried and separated into the different products using a combination of magnetic and electrostatic techniques. It is then sold as final product to global customers.
Mineral Sands Mining Flow Chart
Mineral Separation Plant Processing Flow Chart
Keysbrook is known as one of the world’s largest leucoxene deposits. Located 70km south of Perth, the Keysbrook operations commenced in 2015 and produces approximately 90,000 tonnes per annum of heavy mineral concentrate (HMC). It has an estimated mine life of a further 4 - 5 years.
The Keysbrook site comprises both mining and processing, with HMC from Keysbrook transported via road to Doral’s Mineral Separation Plant (MSP) located in Picton for processing. Final products of leucoxene and zircon are exported to global customers through the Ports of Bunbury and Fremantle.
Keysbrook heavy mineral concentrate
Keysbrook Rehabilitation
The Yalyalup mineral sands mine is located approximately 6kms north east from the previously mined Yoongarillup site. The Yalyalup mine has been operating since 2022 and produces approximately 100,000 tonnes per annum of Heavy Mineral Concentrate (HMC) comprising of ilmenite, leucoxene, rutile and zircon over the life of the project. The mine life is expected to be 4 to 5 years with the possibility of further extension subject to approvals.
Yalyalup mine site
The Dardanup project was Doral’s first mineral sands mine, which commenced in 2002 and ceased operations in 2015. Now fully rehabilitated, Dardanup represents the synergy of mining and farming working together to achieve significant soil quality improvements and overall land productivity post mining.
Doral is proud of the relationships it forges with its landholders during the course of its mining activities. Rehabilitation is a key phase of the mineral sands operations with close consultation with landholders before mining commences to ensure the landholder rehabilitation objectives are met and in line with community expectations and regulatory standards. The Yoongarillup mine is a key example of farming and mining working collaboratively together.
Dardanup rehabilitation